Report on the current status, impacts and potential of the European automotive component remanufacturing industry

This study examines the current state, impact, and potential of the European automotive component remanufacturing market from 2020 to 2030. The information for this report was gathered through in-depth interviews with different players in the remanufacturing sector, as well as desk-based research. Remanufacturing is an important part of the Circular Economy and is already well-established in the automotive industry. However, in order for it to continue contributing to the economy and reducing CO2 emissions, Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) and Electric Vehicle (EV) component manufacturers need to consider remanufacturing in their decision-making.

The study values the passenger car remanufacturing market at around €2.5 billion to €2.6 billion in 2020 and estimates that it will either remain stable or slightly decline to a value between €2 billion and €2.6 billion in 2030. This projection is based on the expectation that the decline in Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) sales will start to affect the market towards the end of the decade.

A methodology was developed in this study to quantify the CO2 impact of remanufacturing. It calculates the emissions avoided by considering the retained material during the remanufacturing process. The results show that annually, remanufacturing of passenger car components avoids approximately 490 kt CO2eq, while remanufacturing of commercial vehicle components avoids approximately 317 kt CO2eq. This is equivalent to the annual emissions produced by 120,000 European citizens.

You can download the full report using the link below. If you would like to learn more about the study, or are interested in exploring how Oakdene Hollins could support you, get in touch.