EU Ecolabel - fit for purpose?

After a long hard look at the EU Ecolabel, the EC concludes that it is still a relevant policy instrument in its drive for sustainable consumption and production.

On 30 June 2017, the European Commission published a report that it has prepared for the European Parliament and the Council on the implementation of the EU Ecolabel Regulation (EC) 66/2010.

This 'REFIT' report was commissioned by the EC to check whether the voluntary EU Ecolabel scheme was ‘fit for purpose’.  The report - which has taken over three years to complete and which involved extensive discussions with a variety of stakeholders including licence holders, potential applicants, environmental NGOs and member states - concluded that the EU Ecolabel scheme remains “relevant” in developing a more resource efficient and circular European economy.

Although it acknowledges that the EU Ecolabel does have limited uptake, the report did recommend various changes to ensure that it remains focussed on product groups that require environmental improvements and is more efficient in its operational management.

Note: The EU Ecolabel scheme is a voluntary policy instrument aimed at encouraging more sustainable consumption and production across Europe. It is coordinated by the European Commission but managed by individual Member States. Oakdene Hollins has been managing the scheme in the UK on behalf of Defra since 2008.

Simon Strick