JRC Report on Critical Metals in Strategic Energy Technologies

For the Institute for Energy and Transport of the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission, we assessed whether there could be bottlenecks to the deployment of low-carbon energy technologies in the EU due to the shortage of certain metals. Our study examined the use of metals in the six low-carbon energy technologies of SET-Plan, namely: nuclear, solar, wind, bioenergy, carbon capture and storage and the electricity grid.
The study concluded that 5 metals are at a particularly high risk, with special relevance to the wind and photovoltaic energy generation technologies.

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Simon Strick
Halving Waste to Landfill guidance for waste management contractors

This document is aimed at Waste Management Contractors who handle construction, demolition and excavation waste and who have signed WRAP's Halving Waste to Landfill Commitment. One of your key pledges is to report on the amount and types of material you have recovered from the waste passing through your site(s). At least once a year you need to enter your material recovery performance onto WRAP's Halving Waste to Landfill Reporting Portal. This guidance note outlines how to do this.

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Simon Strick
Investing in Critical Metals

Critical Metals: Rare Earths, Indium, Gallium, Tellurium, Tantalum; and Graphite. Critical metals are those for which there are limited commercially viable substitutes for certain applications, and risks of supply disruptions from the major producing countries. Several of these critical metals are experiencing conditions of constrained supply and burgeoning demand that we expect to lead to substantial deficits over the next five years; in most instances considerably longer.

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Simon Strick
The Further Benefits of Business Resource Efficiency

This study examines the savings opportunities associated with resource efficiency in the UK. It draws on two previous reports we prepared with Grant Thornton, published by Defra in 2007 & 2009, which quantified the no cost / low cost savings opportunities and converted the financial savings into emissions savings. This report also assesses the degree to which these savings have been realised since the base year of 2006.

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Simon Strick
The Further Benefits of Business Resource Efficiency - Summary

This is a summary of the key findings of our study examining the savings opportunities associated with resource efficiency in the UK. It draws on two previous reports we prepared with Grant Thornton, published by Defra in 2007 & 2009, which quantified the no cost / low cost savings opportunities and converted the financial savings into emissions savings. This report also assesses the degree to which these savings have been realised since the base year of 2006.

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Simon Strick