Textile Services Association and product stewardship

What are the opportunities for textile services companies when customers adopt circular economy practices?

David Fitzsimons will be facilitating a group discussion on the circular economy at the annual meeting of the Textiles Services Association in Chester on 10 November 2017.

Textile services companies are rarely highlighted for their use of circular economy business models and yet, day-in day-out, they use lease models, extend the life of textile products and use product stewardship metrics that are applauded in the global debate amongst policy makers.  David will be presenting before facilitating a group of gold supply partners to discuss developments in the industry. 

During his own presentation, David will ask if there any business development opportunities for textile services companies when customers adopt circular economy practices?  He will highlight one – based on our experience of managing the Uniform Reuse website over the past three years.

To attend the TSA meeting contact Gillian Farrar at the TSA.

RemanufacturingSimon Strick